Smart Mobility Hub

To sustain a healthy and livable city we need to embrace public transportation. Most bus stops nowadays don’t meet the desires of travellers. To enhance public transport we designed the bus stop of the future. It is built on data and this way every bus stop can be tailor-made.
Location Zuid Holland, NL
Year 2020
Client Provincie Zuid Holland
Research Studio RAP
Status Ongoing
Location Zuid Holland, NL
Year 2020
Client Provincie Zuid Holland
Research Studio RAP
Status Ongoing

One of our proposals is an extensible bus stop concept that is realised in 3D printed plastic waste. The design is characterised by its 3D printed roof shaped by big data into a tailor made solution. The structure of the roof is inspired by soap bubbles; it’s lightweight and transparent. The bubbles are 3D printed elements, this way the roof structure can be easily extended when the capacity changes over time.